Have plumbing problems in the Columbia, or Lexington, SC area? Want reliable plumbers who offer one-year warranties on materials and labor? Contact Crew Plumbing and Drain LLC today. Our experts have years of experience working in and around Columbia, SC, and we’re ready to utilize that expertise for you. Whether you’re having trouble with the pipes in your home or you need our experts for your commercial building, you can rely on us to deliver quality repairs, replacements and installations that last.
We’re not in the business of upselling you on something you don’t need. We take pride in our honest services and won’t overcharge you. In fact, we often charge 40% less than the competition for the same service. Call us today to learn more about our residential plumbing and commercial plumbing services. We’ll be happy to speak with you.
We work in the Richland County and Lexington County areas. For more information, contact us today at (803) 995-9282. We’ll be glad to answer any questions you may have about our commercial plumbing and residential plumbing services. We also have emergency plumbers on stand by ready to help right away.